As the end of 2024 approaches, we reflect on the contributions made by RECYCLIA, the leader of Communication and Dissemination (C&D) activities. The final months of the season were marked by countless events in the battery industry, demanding BATRAW’s active presence. When not directly participating, RECYCLIA supported other partners by enhancing their visibility through new communication materials and social media promotion. Adding to this flurry of activity, BATRAW has recently held its 6th General Assembly and took part in the Annual Cluster HUB Workshop, both taking place in Brussels during the Raw Materials Week. These actions could be followed thanks to the daily updates published on LinkedIn and X.

During the Spanish National Congress for the Environment (CONAMA), Evaristo García, a member of RECYCLIA’s team intervened in a round table about “Battery circularity and its role in the energy sector: Regulatory Implementation Challenges”. On behalf of BATRAW and with special support from MINESPIDER, he presented the last advances achieved by the project on the Digital Battery Passport and discussed the challenges and opportunities introduced by the new regulation. This biannual congress, held in Madrid during the first week of December, serves as the premier meeting point for all stakeholders across the environmental sector in Spain.

Just a week after CONAMA, RECYCLIA also participated at the Sustainability and Applied Circular Economy Congress, organized by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). Once again, Evaristo, acting as moderator of the panel and subsequent discussion on emerging technologies, gave the attendees an overview of the goals and strategies of BATRAW. The panel gathered a very diverse group of experts and yielded interesting insights about the implementation of Green Hydrogen, recovered methane, and organic-based PV panels.

These events build on those co-organized by RECYCLIA earlier in the year, such as the demonstration of safety solutions for incidents involving lithium batteries, for which a dedicated article was released.
Far from the spotlight, Recyclia collaborated with FORD and LEITAT to highlight their actions at the EV Battery Recycling Summit (Stuttgart, Germany), Batteries Event (Lyon, France), and the Battery Innovation Days (Barcelona, Spain) to name a few. Furthermore, BATRAW’s social media channels were also used to promote the insightful publications released by CEPS:
- Barriers and policy challenges in developing circularity approaches in the EU battery sector: An assessment.
- Compliance with the EU’s carbon footprint requirements for electric vehicle batteries
Lastly, it is important to highlight the efforts made by Recyclia to keep the website’s design fresh and introduce new features, such as a «RESULTS» section where all public reports will be freely accessible.
But RECYCLIA’s contribution to BATRAW’s goals extends beyond its leadership in C&D activities. Drawing on its extensive expertise in the logistics of treating End-of-Life EV batteries, gained through managing several Producer Responsibility Organizations, the Spanish partner compiled a set of «Guidelines on Battery Pack Handling and Transportation.» This report, submitted in October, was initially conceived to provide partners with the guidance required for properly shipping battery samples across the consortium. However, its content could also serve as a reference document for all agents in the battery value chain. While the document is still pending approval from the reviewers, its conclusions were can be consulted in this article.