Within the #RawMaterialsWeek, #BATRAWProject, together with other 7️⃣ #EUfunded projects, co-organised the clustering event ➡ Production of #rawmaterials fom #BatteryRecycling from #European resources where BATRAW Project was presented by Leitat, coordinating entity of the project.
This clustering event was organized by the CROCODILE, RHINOCEROS and LICORNE EU-funded projects with the participation of the BATRAW, RESPECT, RELiEF, FREE4LIB and ENICON EU funded projects.
These projects represent an emerging innovation ecosystem in Europe which encompasses nearly 100 organizations driving the recycling of batteries and the production of raw materials for battery applications from primary and secondary resources available in Europe.
The Clustering event was an opportunity for the attendees to share knowledge on the different approaches used for the recycling and recovery of raw materials for batteries applications to stimulate synergies and innovations in this field and identify potential exploitation routes.
The Clustering workshop provided the stakeholders essential information about the main objectives and activities of each project as well as their partnership and expected outcomes.