December ’24 Contributions
As the end of 2024 approaches, we reflect on the contributions made by RECYCLIA, the leader of Communication and Dissemination (C&D) activities.
As the end of 2024 approaches, we reflect on the contributions made by RECYCLIA, the leader of Communication and Dissemination (C&D) activities.
In the BATRAW project the shipment of sample batteries is frequent, making it essential to establish clear guidelines on battery pack handling and transportation.
Last 9th May Recyclia/Ecopilas collaborated with EcoQuímica, KEMLER and Valdemoro firefighters’ team to organise a lithium battery safety event with the objective of raising awareness among people about the risks and the safety solutions of handling hazardous lithium batteries.
CEPS leads the policy work of BATRAW and develops policy recommendations based on the project’s results to feed ongoing regulatory developments. In recent months, CEPS conducted dedicated research on the Digital Product Passport (DPP), which has received a lot of visibility in EU policy circles in the context of the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) and the EU Batteries Regulation.
This month’s contributions have grown too big for a single post! It is time to see what Recyclia and Ford Otosan have been up to lately!
This month we will review the hard work carried out by Leitat Technological Center, administrative and technical coordinator of BATRAW.
Let’s dive into the activities carried out by our French partner, the Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA).
A R&D&I project launched by a consortium of 17 partners from seven countries and funded with almost 10 million euros by the European Commission has successfully tested several technologies for the recovery of critical raw materials contained in electric vehicle batteries.
It is the most wonderful time of the month, let’s see what our partners have made during the last few months. Let’s take a closer
BATRAW has reached a new milestone by being featured in the pages of the prestigious environmental magazine IndustriAmbiente. The project, which has established itself as